Hazards of Styrofoam Cups
About Chemicals in Styrofoam
Styrofoam is made up of several different chemicals. Benzene is a clear liquid extracted from coal and is found in cigarette smoke and automobile exhaust. Styrene is made from petroleum and is found in many foods people consume, but research has not been done to discover if it is naturally present or if it has leeched into the environment because of Styrofoam production. Ethylene is the component that makes Styrofoam "foamy" and is found in plants and refrigerants. Styrofoam also used to contain chlorofluorocarbons, but they were eliminated in the 1970s.
Although there is no research to suggest that Styrofoam causes ill health effects when used correctly, it is not microwave-safe. Styrene can melt in the microwave, causing plastic and chemicals to migrate from the cup into your drink. Low levels of the chemicals may not affect you. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, if you ingest too much styrene you may suffer from weakness, depression, fatigue, nerve and liver damage or cancer. The USDA advises that you should only use microwave-safe containers in the microwave.
Environmental Factors
Styrofoam cups should not be re-used, as they will quickly begin to fall apart. It is very difficult and expensive to recycle styrene products, so they take up a large volume in landfills. Styrofoam takes hundreds of years to break down. Burning releases many hazardous chemicals into the air, resulting in polluting rivers and streams as well as the air we breathe. Inhaling large amounts of these chemicals can cause headaches, fatigue, confusion and dizziness. It can also cause respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, depression, nerve damage and cancer.