Regulations Regarding Mobile Food Carts in the City of Detroit
Food Servers
The City of Detroit requires food handling permits be purchased for each employee and that your food cart be registered with the city. The permits are low-cost. $10 for professionals as of the end of 2010; even volunteers for charities and religious organization must obtain a $5 permit to serve food to the public.
Food Carts
Higher fees are required for businesses to be registered with the Health Department. A temporary vendor license is required and runs $250 (as of 2010). This fee is required per mobile unit which return to a primary commissary that also has a health permit. However, the City of Detroit, allows food carts that remain in a fixed location to operate under a temporary permit.
To be able to move a food cart, there must be a primary commissary the food cart returns to everyday. A temporary permit does not allow the cart to be moved.