How to Purify Soapy Water
Things You'll Need
- Heat source
- Chlorine Tablets
- Cheesecloth or coffee filter
- 2 large pots for boiling
Boil the water to remove soap residue and purify soapy water. Bring water to a rapid roll and allow to boil for a few minutes to kill any existing bacteria or contaminants. Boiling water reaches a temperature of 212 degrees Farenheit, which is hot enough to kill most pathogens.
Add chlorine tablets as an extra precaution to purify and remove soap buildup. Add one tablet to approximately one quart of water to remove sediment or soapy buildup. Shake the mixture to disperse and allow to sit for ten minutes or more to purify soapy water.
Pour water through a filter or cheesecloth to further remove any soap or contaminants. Lay the filter over an empty container and slowly strain the water through to catch any remaining soap or sediment that may exist in the purified water.