Remedies to Sober Up
The only true remedy to drunkenness is time. Count the number of drinks you have had and consider that it will likely take the same number of hours to sober up. For example, if you have four drinks, you are going to feel those effects for about four hours, depending on the strength of the drinks and how spread apart they were. If you really want to sober up yourself or a friend, the best thing to do is wait.
While it may not be a great idea to grab a bite to eat if you're fall-down drunk and on the verge of getting sick, a good meal is a helpful way to feel more in control. Food will not increase the rate of alcohol absorption in the body, but the process of sitting down, ordering and eating will give you a bit of clarity in addition to acting as a time buffer before you head home.
Know Your Limits
The best way to sober up on a night of drinking is to not get smashed in the first place. Understand how much you can drink before you begin to experience issues, and don't make drinking into a contest or game. You should go into any situation with alcohol with a commitment to drinking responsibly and staying in control of your own actions. Be sure to grab a meal before you go out, and try alternating your drinks with classes of water in between. This will help you stay hydrated and in control, ensuring you don't end up too drunk to find your house and too hung over to make it to work the next day.