Which Plastic Bottles Are Toxic?
Plastic Number 3
Plastics that are marked with the number 3 are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is a harmful chemical. Common number 3 plastics include peanut butter jars and squeeze bottles. Other items that contain number 3 plastics include teething rings, garden hoses and some plastic wraps. Number 3 plastics have been labeled toxic because PVC contains DEHA, which is a plastic softener. Long-term exposure to DEHA has been linked to cancer and other health problems. PVC also contains phthalates that are very toxic, and even small traces leach from plastic bottles. Phthalates imitate estrogen and disrupt the endocrine system, which can lead to a variety of health issues such as heart disease, infertility and cancer.
Plastic Number 6
Plastics that are labeled number 6 are created with polystyrene, which is a chemical that can cause adverse effects to the nervous system and brain. Styrene compounds are potential carcinogens that can cause harmful effects to the functions of hormones. Plastic number 6 is commonly used in plastic silverware, Styrofoam and containers for carryout food. The leaching of styrene is increased when the plastic containers undergo heat.
Plastic Number 7
Number 7 plastics are typically made up of polycarbonates such as BPA or other plastics that are not recyclable. These plastics are generally clear and shatterproof such as hard reusable sports bottles and baby bottles. Plastics labeled with number 7 may cause detrimental health effects due to the presence of BPA. Numerous studies have concluded that trace amounts of BPA can cause a variety of adverse health effects such as endocrine disruption, developmental conditions and cancer.
Safe Alternatives
Plastics labeled 1, 2, 4 and 5 are safer alternatives, but more research needs to be conducted to prove their safety. A variety of plastic alternatives are available such as stainless steel, glass and bamboo.