FDA Rules on Labeling

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, is the government agency charged with the responsibility of regulating the manufacture and packaging of food and drugs in the United States. Labeling requirements for conventional foods like breads, canned and frozen foods, snacks, desert, drinks and fruits and vegetables are addressed under the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and its amendments. Labeling requirements for dietary supplements are regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
  1. Placement of Label Statements

    • The PDP is usually the front panel of the product.

      The Principal Display Panel, called PDP, is the portion of the label on the package that is most likely seen by the consumer when facing the product. Many food containers are designed to have two or more PDPs. The other principal display panel is called the Alternate Principal Display Panel, or Alternate PDP. FDA regulations state that all required label statements must be placed on the PDP. Alternatively, certain specified label statements can be placed on the PDP, while other labeling information can be placed on the information panel to the right. The information on the PDP must include the statement of identity (name of the food) and net quantity statement. The information on the information panel are statements that are required to be placed together without any other intervening material, and include the name and address of the manufacturer, distributor or packer. The information could also be the list of ingredients and nutrition labeling.

    Required Type Size, Conspicuousness and Prominence.

    • The type of print used on the information panel labeling must be of a type or size that is prominent, conspicuous and easy to read. FDA regulations require that the letters should not be more than three times as high as they are wide. It also requires the letters to contrast with the background to a degree that the print can be easily read. Also, the required labeling must not be crowded with artwork or non-required labeling.

    Name and Address to be Listed on the Label

    • The name and address of the manufacturer, distributor or packer must be listed on the label and it has to be accompanied by a qualifying phrase of the firm's relation to the product. This qualifying phrase could be "distributed by" or "manufactured by." The street address of the company must be included if they are not listed in a current city directory, as well as the city, state, zip code and country (if the product is manufactured outside the United States).

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