Types of Drinking Water Bacteria
Coliform Bacteria
Coliform bacteria is one of the most common types of bacteria that can make its way into your drinking water. Coliform bacteria are not a single type of bacteria but rather a group, which encompasses most of the bacteria you can expect to find in your water. Some Coliform bacteria can be harmless, but others can cause gastrointestinal problems. This group of bacteria can include E. coli, which can sometimes cause serious health problems. Coliform bacteria in your drinking water usually indicates that there is a contamination or leak somewhere, such as runoff from a farm entering your water, or a back-flow somewhere in your system. These contaminations can open the door for other, more harmful bacteria and pathogens, so if you think you have Coliform bacteria, check for other bacteria at the same time. Water that has Coliform bacteria in it can be filtered, but, as with any bacterial contamination, it's also a good idea to have a professional disinfect your water.
Legionella bacteria develop in the water, and then, as water evaporates, can be inhaled. Legionella can cause Pontiac Fever, which has flu-like symptoms, and can also sometimes develop into a more serious sickness called Legionellosis.
Iron Bacteria
Iron bacteria are most commonly found in wells. Although these bacteria are not known to cause any illnesses in humans, they can cause other problems. Iron bacteria can change the smell, color and taste of you water--to the point where it is undrinkable. These bacteria can also cause problems in your plumbing by blocking well screens and casings, and coating the inside of pipes, decreasing their efficiency.