What Are the Dangers of Pesticides & Herbicides?
Ground Water Contamination
Fifty percent of the population in the United States are hydrated through ground water so its important to maintain ground water purity. Pesticides and herbicides leak into ground water aquifers through improper disposal, accidental spills or leaks and seepage into surface water after applications onto crop fields.
Carcinogenic Effects in Children
Although herbicide use has been linked to cancer in adults, a study by the Occupational Epidemiology Branch of the National Cancer Institute argued that children are more susceptible to the carcinogenic effect than adults. The study investigated the results of children exposed to pesticides in contaminated food or water, off-gassing and chemical drift. They found that there was a higher expected incident of cancer in children than in adults.
Pet Dangers
Organophosphorous, rodenticides, metaldehyde and arscenic are all common herbicide and pesticide chemicals that are particularly harmful to animals. Animals that are kept outdoors or spend a lot of time outdoors are susceptible to sickness or death if chemical poisoning is left untreated. Pet owners should be aware and active in knowing city spraying protocol as well as the chemicals neighbors may be spraying in their yards.
Dangers to Placental Cells
RoundUp, the most widely used herbicide, contains glyphosate as an active ingredient. Exposure to this chemical was found to increase the risk of spontaneous abortions according to a study conducted in Ontario by French biochemist Professor Gilles Eric Seralini. Further investigation proved that glyphosate was toxic to placental cells. The majority of placental cells in the study died 18 hours after exposure. These findings were published in the French newspaper Le Monde on March 12, 2005.
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