Can Household Dishwashing Machines Sanitize Dishes?
A quality thermometer can be used to verify the temperature of your water at the tap. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, hot water for sanitization will require different amounts of time at different temperatures. At a minimum temperature of 170 degrees Fahrenheit, you would have to immerse dishes for 30 seconds to sanitize them. The ADHS says that for commercial purposes, the surface of the wares must reach 160 degrees.
- says that in order to sanitize dishes in a dishwasher, the water from the water heater must reach 155 degrees. At a restaurant, water temperature must reach 180 degrees to meet health standards. According to, the temperature in the dishwasher is essential to safety; however, many typical houses' water has a temperature of 100 degrees or less to save on energy costs. Dishwashers may be purchased with an auxiliary or booster heater to increase water temperature by as much as 30 to 40 degrees.
Dishwashing detergent and hot water will kill most harmful bacteria. The Journal of Extension explains that soap or dishwashing detergent acts like a catalyst to increase sanitization. Many modern detergents, when used with water at a minimum temperature of 130 degrees, will kill most harmful bacteria and viruses. It is important to read the directions of both the dishwasher manual and the box of detergent to determine nominal temperature settings.