How to Prevent Food Poisoning in the Hospitality Industry
Preventing Food Poisoning in the Hospitality Industry
Keeping certain fruits in the refrigerator at the appropriate temperature can help reduce the risk of food poisoning. Store food properly at an appropriate temperature. While refrigerating and freezing food does not kill all bacteria, it greatly slows their growth. Foods must be refrigerated or frozen to the correct temperature to slow bacterial growth. Certain types of food, such as dairy products and some produce, must be refrigerated, as should many canned and jarred goods, once they are open.
Frozen meat should be thawed in the refrigerator or in warm, running water before being cooked. Thaw and reheat food carefully. Bacteria is a great threat when cooking frozen food or thawing food, especially meats. Heating frozen food carries the risk of not properly cooking it; which can lead to food poisoning. Thawing many frozen foods before cooking is the best way to ensure sufficient cooking. Still, thawing meat can also provide an opportunity for bacteria to reproduce and grow. Placing food from the freezer in the refrigerator is a good method to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria. Running the meat under hot water is also safe if you are in a hurry.
Frequent hand washing is an easy way to reduce the risk of food poisoning. Clean hands and surfaces thoroughly. Remind your staff to wash their hands before handling and preparing food. Many establishments find it helpful to post signs in restrooms to remind staff to wash hands after using the facilities as well. It is important to keep any item that comes in contact with the food clean: germs from contaminated surfaces, utensils or kitchen gadgets can infect the food and make people sick. Contaminated surfaces, including hands, should be cleaned after touching meat to avoid the spreading of germs to other food products.
Checking the temperature of meat can help make sure it has cooked properly. Cook and heat food to an appropriate temperature and for the right amount of time. It will kill bacteria and make food safe to eat. Cooks should check the internal temperature of meats and other foods with a thermometer. Undercooked meats and seafood can be extremely dangerous to consume. For raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, wash them properly to remove harmful microorganisms and make them safe to serve.