Water Mineral Analysis
Mineral Water Analysis
The majority of water on earth is saltwater and not drinkable by humans. The small amount of freshwater contains 27 minerals and trace elements which generally have no color or odor. According to the Food and Drug Administration, mineral water analysis is conducted by allowing a liter of water to evaporate at 180 degrees C, and then measuring the amount of residue left by each mineral.
Bottled Mineral Water
The aforementioned method also can analyze bottled mineral water. Individuals who feel it is of benefit to their health consume this type of water. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated this theory; however, it does test bottled mineral water at random to ensure it has not been altered from its original state, other than in the required safety processing.
Ewald Schnug from the German Federal Agricultural Research Center in Braunschweig, Germany, has compiled a list of over 150 different types of bottled water and the mineral content found therein. This list appears on the Mineral Waters of The World website.