Removal of Potassium From Water
Decide if you want to place a water filter on your sink or if you want to invest in a refillable container that filters your drinking water. Each has its pros and cons. A water filter on your sink requires less maintenance, but it can be more difficult to change the filter. A refillable container, on the other hand, has an easy-to-change filter system, but it requires more regular maintenance, such as cleaning.
Choose a water filtration system that filters potassium out of your drinking water. Not all water filtration systems are the same, so you may need to do a bit of research. Visit the website and contact the company directly if you have any questions. The system you use should remove all but trace amounts of potassium compounds.
Change the filter for your water filtration system regularly. The system you choose will have more specific instructions to follow, but generally, you should change the filter every three to six months to keep it working properly and eliminating harmful amounts of potassium compounds.