Plastic Freezer Bags Safety
Time Frame
Depending on the type of food, it is safe to eat foods that are frozen for long periods of time if they are properly wrapped in plastic freezer bags. However, to maintain the flavor and texture, you should eat certain frozen foods quicker than others. Baked goods last about three months, butter one year, cheese one month, and meats three months to one year depending on the type. Colorado State University has a specific chart available (see Resources).
Proper Use
It is pointless to store food in freezer bags if you don't do it properly. Improper wrapping could cause the food to spoil or get freezer burn. Freezer burn does not pose a health hazard but can ruin the food's flavor. There should be little to no air left inside the bag after you put the food in. Air left in the bag could cause freezer burn. If you have a suction device to remove the air in the bag, use it. Make sure the bag seals completely and that there are no small openings or holes in the bag.
Rapid Freezing
Freeze food as quickly as possible using freezer bags to maintain quality. Freezing food quickly prevents ice crystals from forming on the food. Freezing takes about two hours for every 2 inches of food thickness.
Some freezer bags can be used in the microwave for defrosting. It is safe to eat foods that are defrosted in the microwave. Never cook food in the microwave in a freezer bag unless the manufacturer instructions say you can. The bag might melt and ruin your food.
Manufacturer's Instructions
Not all freezer bags are created equal. Before defrosting or attempting to cook food in a freezer bag, read the manufacturer's instructions. Some bags may not be made to allow proper defrosting, while other bags might allow you to cook with them in the microwave for a short period of time. Manufacturer instructions are located on the freezer bag packaging. If you are unsure about a situation, call the manufacturer. A phone number should be listed on the package.