How to Tell If a Zucchini Squash Is Bad
Inspect the zucchini squash (or "zucchini") visually to recognize signs of abnormality. Discoloring on the surface, such as graying, can be a signal that the squash is beginning to rot or has some mildewing. You should also look for deep scars or damaged skin.
Smell the zucchini for rotten odor. Any odor that doesn’t seem appealing or natural to your squash can be a sign that it is beginning to go bad. Ensure that the odors are not coming from other produce around the squash.
Squeeze the squash and judge the texture. Sometimes rot from untreated pests or disease in the zucchini can cause the vegetable to feel different. If the zucchini is not as firm as it should be, consider using it immediately because this may mark the onset of degradation.
Cut into the zucchini. This will help you notice discoloration on the inner flesh of the vegetable. Look for dark pitting, jelly-like discoloration or abnormal coloration from the almost-white flesh of the plant. You may be able to cut away the discolored parts of the squash and salvage it if used immediately.