Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Fish
Chlorine dioxide is a yellowish-green gas which crystallizes as orange crystals. It can decompose extremely violently when separated from diluting substances. As a disinfectant, it is almost always used as a dissolved gas in water at 0.5 to 10 grams per liter.
Use On Seafood
Seafood treated with chlorine dioxide doesn't break down or spoil as quickly. It doesn't affect the taste of the seafood, but must be rinsed if the product is to be consumed raw. Most commonly it is added to the ice in which seafood is packed.
Use as a Sanitizer
Areas that hold seafood can be cleaned with chlorine dioxide. A tank cleaned and sanitized with chlorine dioxide stops cross contamination of microorganisms in fish.
How It Works
Chlorine dioxide is an ingredient in antimicrobial ice for preserving seafoods. As the ice melts, chlorine dioxide gas is continuously released. This effectively lowers the levels of microorganisms on seafood packed in the ice.
Effects on Live Fish
Chlorine dioxide is used in very small quantities as a biocide to control bacteria in pond water. It has been shown to be moderately toxic to fish. However, It is unlikely that fish would be exposed to harmful concentrations of chlorine dioxide, since it is used in less than 0.6 milligrams per liter.
Chlorine dioxide is not reported as an ingredient on seafood packaging labels.