Salmon Fish & Health
The Benefits of Salmon
Salmon has been highly praised by the health community for its omega-3 fatty acids, which can keep blood flowing easily, reduce inflammation and prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries. Salmon also has other naturally occurring vitamins.
Why Salmon can be Harmful to your Health
Yes, salmon can be very helpful to your body. But in excess, salmon can cause health problems. One of the most well-known issues with salmon is that this fish can contain mercury, according to information from the American Heart Association. Mercury can be harmful to your health; it can cause disturbances in vision and your senses. The most at-risk are infants and children, as mercury can slow development of the brain.
Does the Good Outweigh the Bad?
When eating fish, we are faced with a tough decision: Does the good of salmon outweigh any possible bad contaminants? Depending on your situation, it may be all right for you to go ahead and eat seafood. Depending on where you get your fish, it may or may not be contaminated. If you catch your own fish, you are less at risk than if you are eating commercially caught food.
Are There Any Long Term Effects of Salmon?
There are long-term effects from salmon. Eating salmon twice a week can reduce the aging process, significantly diminish the chances of heart failure and help us keep our minds straight. Unfortunately, eating excess amounts of mercury-tainted salmon can possibly cause blindness and sense disruption.
Your Best Bet
To get the full effects of salmon, catch your own. Eating your own fish is much safer than eating commercial fish products, and it's a lot more fun. Catching wild fish also reduces your chances of mercury poisoning, as it is rare to find mercury in small streams and rivers.
Is it Still Safe to Eat Fish?
Eating fish is, of course, safe. Even in the rare case that you do happen to get mercury poisoning, it will exit your system in a matter of months. Every symptom you get from mercury is temporary. Salmon is by all means safe, and it is still a great way to get vitamins that your body needs. Plus, who can resist good fish?