Aluminum Water Bottle Safety
Aluminum is a common element, and everyone ingests small quantities of it by eating food and drinking water.
Health Concerns
High levels of aluminum may cause health hazards. Some studies have shown links between exposure to aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease and damage to the nervous system. People with kidney disease who have difficulty eliminating the aluminum from their bodies may be at increased risk of bone or brain disease.
Bottle Liners
Aluminum water bottles require liners to keep small quantities of aluminum from leaching into the water.
Liner Hazards
Some of the liners contained Bysphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to hormonal disruptions and cancers. Some manufacturers have removed BPA from their liners. According to one of the manufacturers, SIGG, although the content of the liner material is proprietary, tests showed no leaching of aluminum or BPA.
There are uncertainties associated with determining the health effects from aluminum and other types of water bottles. Plastic water bottles have also been linked to certain health concerns. Plastic bottles labeled #7 PC contain BPA, and bottles labeled #1 and #2 are subject to bacteria and should be washed with warm water daily.