Does Aspartame Affect Liver Function?

Over the past few years, there have been several studies revolving around aspartame and the effects that it has on the human body. If aspartame does affect liver function, why is it allowed on the market by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?
  1. Aspartame and Liver Damage

    • According to Dr. James Bowen, aspartame does affect the liver negatively. In fact, experts have known that aspartame has a negative effect on not only the liver, but also other parts of the body, for more than 25 years. In 1975, an article entitled, "Aspartame Sweetener and Liver Damage," was printed in the Washington Post by Marian Burros. The article indicated that aspartame had been shown to cause liver damage in lab rats, yet the FDA still approved the product and it's still in use today. In fact, many people believe aspartame to be the answer to their weight loss problems and think it is healthier than real sugar.

    Why Did the FDA Approve Aspartame?

    • According to many sources, including Dr. Betty Martini, the FDA has always had a clear understanding of aspartame and the damage it does to the human body. In 1985, the FDA's toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, informed Congress that aspartame causes brain tumors and brain cancer. In 2005, a study called the Ramazzini Study, showed that aspartame causes cancer. Most of the toxicity was found to have been in the liver. Newer studies indicate that it can cause cancer, even when administered in small doses.

    How Do I Avoid Aspartame?

    • The best advice is to start reading labels. Avoid diet soda and artificial flavorings in juices and soda. In some cases, real sugar is going to be better, especially when trying to avoid aspartame. Keep in mind that many different products list aspartame under different names. Products that commonly have aspartame include Gatorade, diet sodas, low-sugar juices, certain candies and fruit snacks and other similar products. The best choice is to avoid sugar-free drinks and foods and to drink natural and organic products. Water is always a safe choice.

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