Long-Term Water Storage Methods
Choosing Storage Containers
Choose containers that not only are durable, but also can be safely used for long-term storage. Use only bottles and containers previously used to store food products, such as soda or juice bottles. Also, be sure containers are plastic, because glass bottles can break and cardboard containers don't seal well and break down easily. PETE or PET plastic bottles are also better than other types of plastic bottles because they don't degrade as quickly and are better for longer-term storage. (See References 1.) Bottles of this type will usually have "PETE" printed on them somewhere, or have a number 1 surrounded by a triangle on the bottom of the container.
Also be sure, before reusing bottles that previously had non-water liquids in them, to thoroughly wash the insides using dish soap and water, rinsing all traces of soap away, then disinfecting by swishing a quart of water mixed with a teaspoon of non-scented chlorine bleach inside, making sure to coat all surfaces. Dump out the chlorine solution, and bottles are ready for water storage.
Water Treatment
Water collected from a commercially treated tap generally does not need treatment and is fine to store as-is, because most treatment facilities already add chlorine to water. Well or ground water, however, needs to be boiled vigorously for about a minute (three minutes at altitudes above one mile) and treated with non-scented chlorine bleach. After boiling, let the water cool and mix in 1/8 teaspoon of bleach for each gallon of water stored. The boiling will kill most bacteria and other harmful organisms that may be present, and the bleach will prevent more such organisms from developing later. Pour cooled water into washed bottles that meet the requirements described above, and seal as tightly as possible.
Water Storage
Water treated and stored in this method can last a few years, but it is recommended that water stores be changed once a year. Write the current date on a water container when you fill it so you know later how long it has been stored. Keep bottles in a cool, dark place.