How to Convert Salt Water to Drinking Water Using Solar Energy
Things You'll Need
- White plastic pan (30 inches in diameter with side walls at least 6 inches high) with tight-fitting clear plastic dome-shaped lid
- Black plastic pan (20-26 inches in diameter with side walls no higher than 5 inches).
- Salt water
- Soap
- Clean water
Wash the inside of the white pan and lid, the black plastic pan (inside and outside); rinse thoroughly and air dry.
Center the black pan inside the larger white pan. The white pan should be outdoors, exposed to full sunlight for as much of the day as is practical.
Carefully pour the salt water into the black pan, filling the pan but not overflowing or splashing salt water into the surrounding white pan.
Place the clear dome lid onto the white plastic pan, being careful not to spill the salt water into the white outer pan.
Leave the solar still exposed to the Sun through the day and the first hour after sundown.
Remove the clear dome lid and the black plastic pan with the remains of your salt water source.
The water collected in the white pan is pure, solar-distilled water.