Restaurant Safety Rules

Not only is a it a good idea for restaurants to employ rules to keep employees safe, but keeping a kitchen safe can also protect a restaurant owner from possible litigation. Restaurants must follow certain guidelines to keep the kitchen functioning properly. By simply keeping safety at the top of the list, all other restaurant functions will fall more easily into line.
  1. Restaurant Safety Rules

    • Keep floors in the kitchen uncluttered to reduce tripping. Floors can be covered with slip-resistant coverings. A floor-cleaning schedule should be established and "Caution" and "Wet Floor" signs should be posted during cleaning times. It may be a good idea to have these signs visible at all times in the dishwashing area.

      You can help reduce the amount of water that might leak onto the floor by placing mats in front of the ice machines and by ensuring that freezer and refrigerator doors seal properly.

      Do not carry large loads that might obstruct your vision and be sure to communicate when moving through crowded areas in the kitchen. Saying simple things like "Behind you," "Hot" and "Corner" can help warn others and prevent accidents.

    Attire and Equipment

    • The proper equipment and attire can reduce restaurant kitchen accidents. Cooks who wear long sleeves reduce the risk of being burnt. Shoes that are skid-resistant and closed-toe reduce the risk of falling and protect the feet against burns. Sharp knives reduce the possibility of being injured by a knife being used incorrectly because it is dull.

      Knives should be stored with the blades covered, as in a knife block. Only employees who have been trained in using electric slicers should attempt to use them. Make sure the knife handles are tight. If the handle starts to loosen, either fix it or replace the knife.


    • Prevent burns by making potholders easily accessible to all kitchen staff. Check the temperature setting on the hot-water heater. Water that is too hot could scald employees when they use the water to wash dishes or their hands.

      Post safety procedures and reminders throughout the kitchen. This will help the kitchen staff to work safely.

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