What Food Is Silicon Found In?
Benefits of Silicon
Silicon is actually the second most abundant element found on earth. It is not found in a natural form as a mineral but in a combination of silicate and oxide.
The main functions of silicon for the body are to keep bones and joints healthy. Silicon can help keep your bones stronger and less brittle for longer periods of time, preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. It is also good for growth of hair and nails, and keeping your teeth strong and pearly white.
Sources of Silicon
Plants more than any other food product have the highest amount of silicon in them naturally. Plants and animals that dwell in water naturally absorb silicon in order to build and regenerate cell walls. Because plants like spinach leaves do not have to be refined or processed like meat and grains, they keep their high amounts of silicon and water.
Drinking water varies in its silicon content based on whether the water is hard or soft. High silicon content is found in hard water and low silicon content is found in soft water.
Whole Grains
Another food resource for high amounts of silicon is whole grains. They are made up of fibers and particles that are easily digested and absorbed by the body. Cereals both hot and cold are great sources of whole grains. Raw oats and oatmeal bars are other products filled with silicon based on their grain content. Oats, barley and rice have high silicon content and are able to maintain the amount of silicon they hold when cooked.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits are another natural source of silicon. Of course, they have other nutritional values, but their silicon levels have always remained high. The three main fruits are apples, oranges and cherries. Raisins or grapes are rich in silicon as well as antioxidants. The green vegetables such as celery, cucumber and raw cabbage have medium silicon levels. Pumpkin, carrots, beets and eggplant are a few other vegetables that produce silicon in varied amounts.
Nuts have always been a great natural source for many vitamins and minerals the body needs. They have good fats that help the body break down other fats, and the minerals in nuts help keep your bones strong. Peanuts and almonds are two nuts with high silicon content, and sunflower and pumpkin seeds do as well.