Microorganisms That Cause Food Poisoning
The microorganism salmonella bacteria can be found within certain food products such as meat, dairy products and salad dishes. Salmonella is an infectious illness and can be passed on to another person. This particular bacteria originates from within the bowls of humans and some animals. When found within food, it means there has been a cross contamination of feces with the food itself. The symptoms of salmonella poisoning are nausea, high temperature, diarrhea, and aches. They usually last up to a week.
Cryptosporidium food poisoning is caused by a microorganism in the form of a parasite, usually found in unpasteurized milk, water, fruit juices, and within contaminated food. Symptoms can be watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, aches, and cramping.
Clostridium Perfringens
When food poisoning occurs with clostridium perfringes, it occurs mainly due to prepared foods not being stored at the correct temperature. The most common types of food products this microorganism can be found lingering are meat based, like casseroles, sauces and pies. This organism is also found within man and animal feces. Symptoms are nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea. These usually begin within hours after digesting the contaminated food product, but they will only last for 24 hours for most people.
The micro bacteria Yersinia rears its ugly head mainly within undercooked pork and poultry based products, but it can also be found within raw milk, vegetables and seafood. This microorganism is rather a rare one to suffer with, but symptoms can be stomach pain, diarrhea, rash, sore throat, and high temperature.
How Microorganisms Thrive
Storing food at the wrong temperature will ensure the production of large colonies of microorganisms developing on the surface or within the food product. Try not to leave food out longer than necessary. Always check and make sure that all cooked food is actually cooked thoroughly. It is also very important to keep foods separated from each other to help prevent cross contamination of microorganisms and bacteria. Always wash your hands before preparing food, even a little reheating of a meal requires cleanliness. Is your kitchen surface cleaner antibacterial?
All food should be kept warm in temperature over 70 degrees Celsius and refrigerated under 4 degrees Celsius. This should be done in order to prevent food poisoning.