How to Make Your House Safe for Children
To prevent burns from occurring make sure that there is constant supervision for the child whenever there is heat present. The kitchen can be an area where many burn victims come to the ER for medical attention. Make sure that the child is not near the stove or boiling water. Turn all cooking handles inwards away from the reach of young children. Limit the range top cooking to the burners position to the rear of the stove top. Use a lock on the oven to prevent the child from opening the hot oven.
Many cases of infant deaths or injuries from burns comes form neglect or negligence from the adult who left a child unattended in the bathroom. NEVER leave a young child or infant unattended whenever there is hot, scalding, running water filling a bathtub. It is easy for a child to reach into the water or fall into the bathtub and be scalded and/or drown in the water. Always check the temperature of the water.
Another common causes of burns in young children is from electrical appliances for example the iron. NEVER leave a hot iron unattended on the ironing board when there is a child playing nearby. This will be a potential scenario for a medical emergency when the child pulls at the cord and the hot iron falls onto the child. Always unplug electrical appliances when not in use and wind the electrical cord neatly around the appliance. Don't leave the cord or extension cords ion a messy bundle because this will be a potential danger to the child who will play with the cord or chew at it.
Use extension cords that can be retracted into its own housing or that have covers over their outlets. Place protective covers on all electrical outlets. Know where your fuse box is located, know how to use the circuit breaker so you can switch off the power in case of an electrical related accident
To protect a child from falling down stairs use gates that can be installed easily at the top of the flight of stairs and also at the bottom of the stairs. Also use carpet flooring to give extra protection and padding in case the child falls Make sure that the handrails are secure and stable and not loose from the wall. Teach your child not to play around or on the stairs. Make sure the areas around the stairs and steps are well-lit and free of objects like toys or boxes which will be potential hazards for tripping and causing injuries.
Lead poisoning use to be q common cause for medical attention in young children but now with eh awareness and strict regulations about the use of lead and lead base paints the incidences of lead poisoning has reduced significantly. Still it is better to be safe so always ensure you buy products that have been tested for lead content. Older houses which might still have lead base paints should be removed or protected against a child from peeling or eating the paint. If the house has any lead pipes let the water run for a while before you use it for cooking or drinking. It i better to attach water filters to the faucets before drinking water from taps. Also running the water prior to use will reduce the concentration of the lead sitting in the water. If you suspect that your child has been exposed to lead or have ingested lead then you should take the child to see a doctor so a blood test to check the lead levels can be done and treatment administered.
Put all medications away out of reach form young children in locked cabinets or cupboards. Also NEVER leave toxic, hazardous products open cupboards or expose areas that have easy access for young children. Keep most of these dangerous products locked up or in a location where young children will be playing in.
For medications you should always read labels before administering or taking the medication. Only give the recommended dosage and NEVER give prescription medication prescribed for one person to a different individual. Clean out the medicine cabinet on a regular basis. Throw away all expired medication. Medication like foods have a self life and after the expiration date the drug is not as effective. Also use child proof containers for all medications
Child proofing the house also includes protection against accident and injuries from windows, doors, and the floor. Never place furniture that children can climb up on to reach the widow to open . Also make sure that windows have safety latches so you can lock the window so the child cannot climb onto the window ledge.. If you live in high-rise apartments then you must installed window grills or bars so that the child will not be able to fallout of the window. Remove or tie up any cords form window blinds to prevent strangulation or entanglement
To prevent accidents and injuries form slippery floors that have parquet flooring you should buy anti-slip tape to place under the mat or rug to prevent them form sliding around the floor. Don't forget the mats and carpets that are also placed outside the house on the patio or porch areas.
In the house large pieces of furniture can also be potential hazards. Ensure you anchor all tall furniture to the wall. Any furniture that have sharp edges should be place out of the way and can be covered with protective cushions or covers. Place locks on all cabinets, cupboards, drawers.
Always tidy up all toys and objects lying around the floor to prevent injuries from tripping over the objects. NEVER give small pieces of food or toys to young children so you can prevent choking. Give only non-toxic pens and crayons to children and NEVER leave plastic bags and covers around for children to play with. Check al toys you buy for loose pieces, sharp edges, parts that are removable. DON"T put the child's pacifier on a cord or string as this might cause entanglement or strangulation.
Store all sharp objects, scissors away in locked boxes or cupboards. Keep all firearms, guns, away from children under lock and key. There are specific rules and regulations for keeping guns and firearms in the house. FOLLOW THEM!!! Store ammunition separately from the guns. Ensure that all the guns safety features are used.
The basement is also another area that can be a potential hazard to young children. You should always have supervision when the children are very young. If you store the freezer in the basement you should ensure a lock is put into place to prevent the child from opening it and falling into the freezer.
Food poisoning can also occur commonly in young children. Make sure you cook the food thoroughly, especially foods like meat, contaminated shellfish, poultry. Storing, handling, preparation and cooking are ways that a child can get food poisoning. Always follow hygienic procedures and safety measures to reduce the risks of food poisoning .