How to Diagnose Salmonella
Make a mental list of your symptoms. If you have diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps you could have salmonella. Other possible symptoms include severe headache, vomiting and loss of appetite.
Rule out other diseases. The symptoms of salmonella are sometimes called flu-like so consider whether it is flu season.
Recall whether your symptoms occurred suddenly. If they appeared slowly or not all at once, then you probably have something else.
Request a test for salmonella poisoning. The only way to confidently diagnose salmonella is to find salmonella bacteria in your stools. The presence of this or another type of bacteria is the way to rule out viral gastroenteritis. Tests can also identify what kind of salmonella is causing the infection. Doctors will then decide what kind of medication to prescribe, if any.
Track your symptoms. A small number of patients develop Reiter's syndrome, a combination of joint pain, irritated eyes and painful urination.