What are the three example for fundamental research?
1. The search for the fundamental particles of matter: The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory that describes the fundamental particles that make up matter and the forces that act between them. Fundamental research in particle physics aims to further our understanding of the Standard Model and to identify new particles and forces that may exist beyond the Standard Model. This research is driven by the desire to understand the basic building blocks of matter and the fundamental laws of nature that govern their interactions.
2. The study of the origin and evolution of the universe: Fundamental research in cosmology and astrophysics seeks to understand the origin and evolution of the universe. This includes studying the Big Bang theory, which is the leading scientific theory about the origin of the universe, as well as investigating the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, and planets. Fundamental research in cosmology and astrophysics aims to answer questions about the age and size of the universe, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the processes that shape the structure of the universe.
3. The investigation of the basic principles of life: Fundamental research in biology and life sciences aims to understand the basic principles that govern living organisms. This includes studying the structure and function of cells, the processes of genetics and heredity, and the mechanisms that regulate biological processes. Fundamental research in biology and life sciences seeks to answer questions about the origin of life, the evolution of species, and the molecular basis of biological processes.