How to Get Paid for Medical Trials
Things You'll Need
- Internet (optional)
- Yellow pages
- Telephone
Tap into online resources. Different online websites offer a host of information on the many medical trials available in the country. Some resources have information on government-sponsored trials while others list the different types of trials available. Websites such as Paid Clinical Trials (, require you to create a free account, while other sites like Research Confidential ( require a one-time fee to access trials.
Research your local research facilities. Once you have found a list of medical facilities that offer paid clinical trials, find out as much as you can about each of them. Many trial facilities have an information line that allows you to call and ask the questions you find pertinent in your selection process. This also gives you an opportunity to find out how much each facility is paying for its trials and what is required of you in order to get paid.
Choose the studies in which you would prefer to participate. Now that you are armed with a list of well-researched medical facilities that pay, select the one that best meets your needs. If you are unable to stay overnight, for instance, choose a facility that doesn't require that of you. Whatever your specifications may be, make sure the trial in which you participate meets each of these.
Attend all of the required visits and follow-up sessions. As previously mentioned, many medical trials take place overnight or over an entire weekend. In addition, you will most likely be expected to follow-up at least once before you are paid for your participation in the trial. Be sure of your personal obligations in the trial you choose because your payment is contingent upon your fulfillment of these. Oftentimes, if you neglect to do everything which you agreed to when signing up for the trial, you will not receive the financial reimbursement you expected to receive upon completion.