The Effects of Always Sitting in Bed
Too much sitting in bed can cause obesity. According to a February 2007 article in "Psychology Today" titled "Obesity: Sitting Isn't Pretty," Dr. James A. Levine, an endocrinologist, explains that there is a link between sedentary lifestyle and obesity. When you always sit in bed, you miss out on everyday activities, which are crucial in maintaining a healthy weight and body fat percentage. Everyday activities, such as walking to the post office, exercising or playing with your dog, keep you physically active so that you burn calories and work your main muscle groups. However, sitting in bed causes you to miss out on the physical activity that you need. If you consume calories and do not burn them off, your chances of becoming obese increase.
Aches and Pains
If you always sit in bed, you may start to experience aches and pains throughout your body, such as in your muscles and joints. When you sit in bed for too long, you risk locking your body into positions and postures that can become painful later on. For instance, sitting propped up while you watch television in bed can give you neck stiffness while your lower back becomes sore. Your muscles will weaken from always sitting in bed, so your body will become more prone to muscular soreness than if you were properly conditioned.
Poor Circulation
Poor blood circulation is a side effect of always sitting in bed. When you are immobile for a long period of time, your blood does not circulate throughout the body properly. Poor circulation can cause health complications in the long run, such as blood clots or the loss of circulation in your legs and feet. By getting up and moving around, you help your blood circulate properly.
When you always sit around in bed, you can become depressed. The lack of physical activity can affect your mood and your ability to be happy. By not engaging in human interaction, you may begin to feel isolated, which also causes depression. Being active is stimulating and gives you an overall feeling of well-being, which you cannot get from always sitting in bed. Exercise and physical activity is a potential cure for depression, according to the Better Health Channel.