How to Donate Your Body to Cornell

Rather than cremation or traditional burial you can opt to donate your body to medical science at the Cornell Medical College in the event of your death. The body donor program at Cornell educates future doctors and medical professionals by allowing them to practice their skills on real bodies. Most everyone is eligible to become a body donor; however, there are instances when professionals at Cornell Medical School choose to deny the acceptance of a donated body at their discretion.


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      Discuss your choice to donate your body to medical science at Cornell with your immediate family. Understand that after your death your family cannot bury or cremate your body, nor can they have yoru body embalmed or use it for a viewing. Your family is also responsible for informing Cornell Medical School of your demise as well as arranging for transportation should you no longer live in the greater New York area.

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      Obtain and fill out the body donor affidavit. You may pick up the affidavit at the Cornell Medical School or download and print a copy from the Cornell website ( Enter your name, address and the date. Choose what you want done with your body once the school no longer needs it for educational purposes, which includes choosing a friend or family member to be the person responsible for your remains.

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      Obtain the signatures, phone numbers, addresses and full names of two witnesses. Do not sign the affidavit until you are in the presence of your two witnesses. Make a copy of your affidavit to keep for your records. You may wish to leave a copy with your family and/or your lawyer.

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      Return your affidavit to Cornell Medical School. Download a copy of the donor card from the Cornell Medical School website ( and keep it in your wallet.

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