Uses for Liquid Electrophoresis
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
Electrophoresis can measure different types of hemoglobin in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin, when functioning normally, carries oxygen through the blood. Electrophoresis helps to determine if the hemoglobin is functioning properly. A lack of normal hemoglobin can contribute to many blood ailments, such as sickle cell disease and thalassemias. A doctor will order this test to diagnose these diseases and to discover the cause of anemia. Physicians sometimes perform this test as part of a newborn's standard testing.
Certain techniques of electrophoresis, referred to as gel electrophoresis, are useful in DNA research and technology development. Gel electrophoresis is one of the primary tools of molecular biology. Researchers use it to identify specific strands of DNA molecules through the patterns they reveal in the electrophoresis process. This process separates protein molecules so they may be better identified. It enables scientists to distinguish the genetic differences between different types of plants and animals.
Disease Control
Electrophoresis is also a tool used to fight disease. After a sample is exposed to electrophoresis, X-ray film is then used to determine what types of proteins are present in that culture. This procedure helps identify any diseases that might be present, and its results assist in determining treatment. A wide array of other applications -- including southern, western and northern blotting -- use electrophoresis methods to dissect or manipulate DNA for scientific study.