What Is the Accuracy of DNA Testing for an STD?
The HPV DNA test screens for low-risk HPV infections, such as genital warts, as well as high risk types which can develop into cervical cancer. Currently there is an HPV vaccination available to females ages nine through 26 to prevent HPV infections and cervical cancer.
HIV tests
The HIV DNA test measures if an individual has the HIV infection accurately and quickly after exposure to the virus. The DNA test can actually measure the virus in the individual six days after exposure. For full accuracy, it is recommended to wait 21 days after exposure. The results are not 100 percent accurate; however, additional tests such as the HIV antibody test can also be administered to check results.
Accuracy in DNA tests
DNA tests for STDs are accurate because the tests use the individual's DNA to detect the presence of the virus. Other types of STD tests measure the antibodies the person develops to fight off the virus. People produce antibodies at different rates and in different quantities making it difficult to detect. In addition, you can not test right away using an antibody test; whereas with the DNA tests, you can test within a week as it is detects the presence of the virus itself.