Cell Stimulation Protocol
Isolate Blood Lymphocytes
Blood is collected using aseptic techniques, diluted using phosphate-buffered saline, and centrifuged multiple times with specific chemicals such as HBSS solution and RPMI 1640 medium. The cells are then suspended intracellular detection-of-antibody cell types.
Cell Stimulation Reagents
Specific reagents based on the type of cell stimulation procedure are used to stimulate the production of cells. Kits for specific cell stimulation experiments can be purchased. The kits contain the specific reagents needed for cell activation. After the cell isolation procedure is performed, the reagents needed for cell stimulation are added into the cell solution and incubated.
Staining Antigens
Antibody conjugate is added to the cell suspension to adhere to antigens. Results show staining of lymphocytes, which are examined by the flow cytometry method.