How to Donate Plasma for Money in Arizona
Things You'll Need
- Personal identification
- Proof of residency
Locate a plasma-donating center and location in Arizona using your phone book from home or an official plasma-donation-center website. Enter your zip code on the website to find the nearest donation center in Arizona.
Call the center you are interested in donating your plasma to for more information regarding the requirements and information regarding any payment you may receive for your donations. Calling different locations may increase your chances for finding a donation spot with a higher payout for donating. You should also ask each individual plasma center about the health requirements as well as the specific preparation process for donating your plasma.
Gather all of the necessary information and forms required to donate your plasma before visiting a plasma-donation center. You must bring a valid form of identification, your proof of your social security number and a proof of your residence when donating plasma.
Prepare for your visit to donate plasma with all of your supplies and complete any health or other requirements for the center in Arizona you are visiting. When you visit the plasma-donation center, you will be asked various health-related questions regarding your physical and mental states before proceeding to donate your plasma. You will also be asked about your health history. Your blood will be taken to check your red-blood-cell count and analyze proteins in your blood before donating. Once this checkup is complete, you will be ready to donate.
Begin the process of donating your plasma at the designated location. You will be connected to the machines which initiate the process of donating the plasma. The entire process is generally painless and will usually be complete within 45 minutes to an hour.
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