Conflict Between Human Research & Ethics
Potential Conflicts
Although there are written codes of ethics for human research, these cannot cover all potential questions. This is especially true when new treatments using biotechnology and other innovations are involved. The review board resolves these questions, which may involve the entire study group or individual members. Sometimes, medical ethics experts are consulted.
U.S. Federal Guidelines
In the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is required by law to issue regulations that protect subjects of human research. The department is also required to implement a program for instruction and guidance for ethical issues in human research. The National Institutes of Health and other organizations that receive funds from DHHS for the purpose of research with human subjects are to be guided by ethical principles and guidelines published by DHHS.
International Guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) issues international guidelines for ethical review of medical research with human subjects. The guidelines for ethics committees are available on the Internet in 14 languages. These put forth standards to be used for ethical and scientific review of the research. The guidelines are to be used along with informed consent.