How to Build a Gel Electrophoresis Chamber
Gel electrophoresis tanks can be put together for a home experiment from items found around your house or at a supermarket.
Things You'll Need
- Large plastic storage container
- Stainless steel wire
- 2 screws
- Smaller plastic tub
- Comb
Large Chamber
Cut two lengths of wire to the width of the larger container.
Wrap one end of each wire around one of the screws, keeping the wires straight.
Fit the wires along the width of the bottom of the larger container. Place them so that the screws are in diagonally opposite corners of the container. Tape the screws in place.
Smaller Gel Chamber
Make the chamber where the gel will be cast using the smaller plastic container. Check that this container can sit completely inside the larger container, even with the screws taped inside.
Remove the sides of the smaller container that will face the wires in the larger container so that the container will be open to the wires on these sides.
Cut enough teeth out of the comb to create a pattern that will show up as spaced-out wells when the gel is cast.