How Do I Start an Evidence Based Practice Project?

Evidence-based practice (EBP) takes much of the trial and error out of health care. While a group of individuals will always demonstrate a variety of responses to a given intervention, empirical research provides a knowledge base from which treatment modalities can be chosen, based upon the patient's preferences and historical responses to interventions. The field of education also benefits from the application of evidence-based strategies. To begin an evidence-based practice project, all levels of the agency, health care practice, or school system need to understand and participate in the process.


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      Involve every level of your organization through training on evidence-based practice.

      Conduct a meeting that includes representatives from all levels of your organization. The success of your evidence-based practice will be determined by the degree of commitment from all levels of your organization. Therefore, you need to explain the goals and objectives of evidence-based practice as it applies to your particular discipline and garner commitment from each level.

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      Train practitioners through participation in an evidence-based program for your particular health care or education field. Training will include methods for determining how to frame a question and seek a response based upon the data provided by the individual and the desired outcome. A commonly used method is called PICO, an acronym for Problem or Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome. Learning how to ask good questions is key to discovering the best strategies or solutions. Training will also include how to access resources, apply information and collect feedback.

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      Software programs are available for application to specific disciplines, such as nursing or mental health.

      Select information data bases to be used by your organization. Libraries and other repositories can provide online resources.

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      Develop the procedure your organization will use to implement evidence-based practice. This may include using technology through computers and online resources, purchased software programs and/or materials. The method for implementing evidence-based information is largely determined by your health care or education field.

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