How to Calculate a Statistically Significant Sample Size
Things You'll Need
- Standard deviation
- Maximum acceptable difference (alpha level)
- Confidence Level
- Calculator or statistics program
Determine the alpha level to be used. This refers to the amount of error that is acceptable in the statistical analysis. Normally an alpha level of 0.05 is used, though this level can be different. The higher the level, the more error exists in the calculation.
Estimate the average mean that you want from the study. Many times this estimated mean is from previously done research. Alternatively it can be calculated from a small test survey or research on a small sample group
Plug the values into this equation:
n = t^2 x p(1-p)/m^2.
t is the confidence level, normally 95 percent (standard value of 1.96). p is the estimated mean, and m is the margin of error or alpha level. n will be the calculated sample size.