What Is a GMP Environment?
Food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and biotech firms are required to maintain a GMP environment by adhering to FDA guidelines for these practices. GMP guidelines ensure products meet quality standards during manufacturing in four areas: identity, purity, quality and strength.
The FDA has implemented specific guidelines for GMPs concerning the development and manufacturing of drugs. This involves a sliding scale used in conjunction with the particular phase of a drug's development. In what is considered phase one of a drug's advancement, the regulations can be followed more loosely, but once a product reaches phase three and manufacturing begins, strict adherence to GMPs is expected.
Global Considerations
According to the European Compliance Academy, as of August 25, 2010, FDA and the European Medicines have begun working towards a joint effort to streamline pharmaceutical GMP inspections internationally. The goal of this endeavor is to allow more manufacturers to be inspected, while avoiding duplicate inspections.