How to Donate Blood Plasma in Champaign, Illinois
Drink a lot of water the day before. Your body needs to be hydrated to help the process of donating. Your plasma will be healthier and you will feel better after donating. If your body is dehydrated, you might feel nauseous or light-headed.
Don't drink alcohol within the last 24 hours before donating. Champaign is a college town with many local bars to visit. Pick a day to donate when you know you will not be going out the night before. Alcohol dehydrates your body and reverses the effects of the water.
Don't eat fatty foods the day before you donate. Green Street is full of restaurants for students and locals to enjoy. Avoid them for a day because your body needs to be as healthy as possible to efficiently donate plasma.
Eat a good meal before you donate. Donation requires time and energy. Replenish your body with nutrients and vitamins so it is ready. Get a healthy sandwich at the Subway on Green Street or the Silver Mine Subs on Daniel Street.
Sign up at Talecris. Before you donate, they will administer a physical to make sure you are healthy. All information is confidential and only is required to produce the the most efficient plasma.
Sit back and allow the professionals to work. Trained Talecris employees will hook you up to a machine and supervise you throughout the donation process. It usually takes 1 to 2 hours, so they recommend reading a book or doing some homework while donating.