What Are the Functions of a Sound Level Meter?
Class 1
Sound level meters are designed to meet certain international standards, which ensure a degree of accuracy. Older standards use type 1 and type 2 to specify accuracy, while newer standards use class 1 and class 2. Class or type 1 instruments have a higher level of accuracy because they have a much tighter tolerance than type or class 2 instruments. Class 1 or type 1 instruments are normally used for environmental noise assessments, but can also be used for noise at work and occupational noise measurements if they have the correct measurement functions necessary for the task.
Class 2
Class 2 sound level meters have the same specifications as class 1 meters, with the exception that class 2 meters have a wider level of tolerance. Class 2 meters are usually sufficient for Occupational Noise and Noise at Work regulations, but make sure that the sound meter meets the accuracy level standards for the project in which the sound meter is being used. Noise at Work regulations may differ from country to country, as well.
Data Logging
The data logging feature allows you to record data from the sound meter and transfer the information to software that can generate reports. These reports are used to further analyze and measure the data.
Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis is used to analyze the sounds that make up the overall sound spectrum by determining the amount of sounds present at certain frequencies. There are many ways to measure noise by using frequency analysis. The most common method is by using octave band filters. These electronic filters split up the sound into separate frequency bands.