How to Remove Yourself From an Organ Donor List on an Illinois Driver's License

Becoming an organ donor is an individual decision that is legally binding, too. There are things that happen in that can cause a person to change her mind about the choice to become an organ donor. You must rescind that choice legally for it to be recognized. In Illinois, there are three ways to be removed.


    • 1

      Call the Illinois Secretary of State toll free at: 1-800-210-2106 to remove your name by phone. You will need your driver's license handy when you speak with the representative.

    • 2

      Visit the website for the Illinois Secretary of State, donor card information. Scroll down to the "Changing your mind" section and click on "remove." Fill out the the form. You will need your driver's license on hand.

    • 3

      Visit your closest Secretary of State facility. Go to the Department of Driver Services. Tell the clerk that you wish to change the donor status on your license. You will be given a form. Fill it out completely and make sure that the information matches with your driver's license. Return the form to the clerk. If you have any questions the clerk can help you.

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