Difference Between Multipolar & Bipolar Neurons
Dendrites and Axons
Dentrites often look like tree branches. Dendrites are the branch-like extensions of the cell's cytoplasm that receive signals from other cells. Axons are the long, thin extensions that carry nerve signals to other cells.
Multipolar Neurons
A neuron with more than two cell body processes is called a multipolar neuron. The dendrites of a multipolar neuron tend to look like tree branches.
Bipolar Neurons
A neuron with two cell processes is called a bipolar neuron. The cell bodies of this type of neuron can be found in the olfactory epithelium, retina, and the vestibular and cochlear ganglia. These neurons have dendrites that resemble axons.
Most neurons in the human (and in all mammals) are multipolar, while bipolar neurons are less common.
Bipolar neurons tend to be round or oval in their appearance. Multipolar neurons come in a variety of different shapes, many of which are so distinctive that they have special names, such as purkinje, pyramidal, granular, and motor neurons.