What Causes Pins & Needles in Fingers & Toes?
Paraesthesia starts with numbness in the fingers and toes. The digits can feel very heavy and be difficult or painful to move. Once you do move them, you often feel a sensation of "pins and needles"--prickling and tingling. After you move for a while, the fingers and toes generally feel normal again.
The most common cause of paraesthesia is a reduced blood supply to a nerve or excessive pressure on a nerve. Alcohol consumption, certain medications and other toxic substances can cause paraesthesia. If you have had nerve injuries, you are more likely to have paraesthesia. Carpal tunnel syndrome, in which a nerve is entrapped, can cause paraesthesia accompanied by pain.
Paraesthesia can indicate that a person has diabetes, hypothryoidism or multiple sclerosis. Diagnosis is carried out by looking for underlying symptoms. Medical history, physical exams and laboratory tests are necessary for a proper diagnosis.
A hand falling asleep occasionally should not be cause for concern. However, if this occurs fairly often, and you have not been diagnosed with a disease that could cause this, consult your doctor. The pins and needles could indicate an undiagnosed problem.