Information About DNA Testing
DNA has been of interest to scientists since the 1890s but DNA testing made its emergence onto the world stage in 1985 when it became the most reliable physical evidence of crime scenes. Since then personal testing has become more popular for determining ancestry and paternity.
Criminal & Medical Uses
Forensic DNA testing can be used to identify victims and suspects, eliminate people as suspects, and match donors for medical purposes.
Personal Uses
DNA for personal reasons has become more prevalent as accuracy has increased and prices have dropped over time. Individuals can now order kits online and send for paternity testing for as little as $80. Personal reasons for DNA testing vary and can include determining paternity and ancestry.
Samples & Process
Samples for testing are biological samples and can include blood, skin, saliva, hair and other bodily fluids. Home tests that can be purchased by individuals typically rely on a simple test using a Q-tip to swab the inside of the cheek. Samples are collected and compared for similarity to another sample.
Although DNA testing cannot claim to be 100 percent accurate, it is widely considered to be 99 percent accurate, according to a Time magazine article on the history of DNA. This is assuming that the tests are performed by expert DNA technicians in a controlled environment.