What Are the Advantages of Cadaver Donation?
Bodies play an important role in medical and scientific education. Without bodies, surgeons cannot learn to cut accurately. Students of law enforcement and medicine cannot learn anatomy.
Research done on bodies can help make improvements in treatment and help scientists to understand disease, thus developing better cures.
A body can yield many parts that can help others to see, live and heal. A tragic death can be turned into something that honors the deceased. Organs can also be preserved to teach students.
Donating a body to science is the least expensive way to dispose of a dead body. Generally, the collecting organization pays for collection; only disposal and return of remains is paid by the family.
The American Association of Tissue Banks can provide a list of suitable organizations for cadaver donation. The donor or the next of kin may provide consent.
Interesting Fact
In the late 19th century medical science was developing so fast that there were not enough bodies to study. Grave-robbing became a gruesome, black-market way to find bodies for study.