Side Effects of N-Acetyl L Cysteine
N-Acetyl L Cysteine is considered a mucolytic agent because it disrupts disulfide bonds in mucus making it easier to expel from the lungs. It also helps to maintain a proper and healthy immune response system. N-Acetyl L Cysteine is used frequently in individuals who suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and other chest conditions. This medication is also used as an antidote for acetaminophen overdose. Other uses of NAC should be determined by your doctor.
Rare Side Effects
Users of N-Acetyl L Cysteine have experienced the following side effects in rare cases: headache, vomiting, nausea, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, stomach pain, dizziness and dry mouth. Though rare, do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention if any of the preceding side effects occur. These side effects may be a sign of a more serious condition.
Common Side Effects
Common side effects that may occur as a result of regularly using N-Acetyl L Cysteine include upset stomach, mild stomach pain, heartburn, cough, fever and feelings of increased appetite. Though less serious than other side effects, always contact your doctor if any from the preceding list intensify or occur on a consistent basis. Regularly occurring common side effects may signal a serious problem.
Drug Interactions
N-Acetyl L Cysteine can react severely with nitroglycerin and metoclopramide. Be sure to consult a complete list of drug interactions before using this product. To give your doctor the best chance for safely prescribing this product, always fully disclose your current and past use of drugs and medications.
Avoid the use of N-Acetyl L Cysteine if you have a history of ulcers. Always closely follow your prescription and never alter the recommended dose size or duration of use. In increased doses, the chances for the above side effects becomes greater. Discuss the safety of this product if pregnant or breast-feeding with your doctor. Do not exceed a dose of 6 grams per day without your doctor's consent.