Side Effects of Bupleurum
Bupleurum is a Chinese herb that is also commonly known as hare's ear root, chai hu and thoroughwax. According to, bupleurum is an herb that dates back to the first century B.C. and "...has been used as a liver tonic, with spleen and stomach toning properties as well. The plant also has been said to clear fevers and flu, promote perspiration and alleviate female problems." Clinical studies have not yet determined bupleurum's effectiveness.
Side Effects
The use of bupleurum may result in the following side effects: nausea, acid reflux, drowsiness, dizziness, decreased appetite and headache. Large doses have been identified to lead to both increased flatulence and bowel movements. The majority of these side effects are not serious and do not require immediate medical attention, but if any persist or worsen over time, contact your doctor.
Possible Interactions
Bupleurum may interact in an adverse manner with a number of supplements and herbs. Use with extreme caution if you are currently taking valerian, another ancient herb that can increase the potential for drowsiness. Since bupleurum can lower blood-sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels, avoid taking additional supplements of medication that also do so. Individuals with bleeding disorders or who take drugs that increase the risk of bleeding should practice extreme caution.
The appropriate use of this herbal supplement should be determined by your doctor. Never alter the recommended dose size or duration of use, advises; the typical bupleurum dose is 1.5 to 6 grams per day. Discuss the hazards and advisability of bupleurum use among children under 18 years of age with your doctor beforehand.
The safety and effectiveness of taking bupleurum has not been scientifically established. Although the substance has been taken for centuries, not all potential side effects have been scientifically established. Always contact your doctor if any particular symptom of use becomes increasingly bothersome.