Side Effects of NovoLog

Novolog, found generically as insulin aspart, is a drug used to specifically treat individuals suffering from type 1 diabetes. This drug is used explicitly in individuals who are above the age of two. As is the case with prescription medication, Novolog may cause a variety of side effects dependent on the particular individual and the size of the dose.
  1. What is Novolog?

    • Novolog is a prescription drug classified as insulin. As such, Novolog, often combined with a long-acting insulin, lowers the levels of glucose in the body. As a fast-acting insulin, Novolog is capable of quickly reducing the level of sugar in the body, which affects individuals suffering from type 1 diabetes. Novolog is most often available in cartridge form and can begin working within the first 20 minutes of use.

    Common Side Effects

    • Novolog use may result in a variety of common side effects, including unusual weight gain, mild skin irritation and swelling at the injection site, itching and redness of the skin. The above side effects are common and less serious than other side effects. Medical attention is required only if these symptoms persist or worsen. Many users of Novolog have claimed no or only minor side effects.

    Serious Side Effects

    • reports that users of Novolog can experience the following severe side effects: vision changes, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, irregular heartbeat, headache, mood changes, slurring of speech, seizures, loss of consciousness, muscle pain and cramping, tremors, extreme hunger, unusual sweating and trouble concentrating. The previous side effects are extremely serious and should be treated immediately. Contact your doctor as soon as signs of one or several of these side effects occur.

    Using Novolog

    • Always take Novolog exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Since Novolog is frequently injected, be sure to follow your doctor's guidelines if injecting at home. recommends using the medication 5 to 10 minutes before meals. Never dilute the medication or mix it with other insulins. Do not reuse needles or syringes and be sure to rotate the injection site to avoid both scarring and skin irritation.


    • Because Novolog can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and lack of concentration, be sure to use extreme caution when attempting to drive or operate heavy machinery. Never take alcohol while using Novolog as it can increase the severity of certain side effects. Always carry a diabetes card to ensure proper treatment in the case of an accident. Never use in children younger than 2. Discuss the dangers of using Novolog if pregnant or breast-feeding with your doctor.

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