Side Effects of Melphalan
What Is Melphalan?
Melphalan is a prescription drug that slows or prevents the growth of numerous cancer cells including those causing blood, ovary and breast cancer. Melphalan is considered an alkylating agent that actively destroys tumor cells that rapidly divide. Melphalan is not a cure for cancer; it is intended only to slow the growth and spread of the cancerous cells.
Common Side Effects
Users of Melphalan have experienced the following common side effects: diarrhea, mild nausea, vomiting, temporary hair loss, and mild skin rash or irritation. Though less serious than others, if any of these side effects intensify or persist, seek immediate medical attention. Persistent side effects indicate a serious problem and should be dealt with quickly.
Serious Side Effects
Melphalan may cause a number of serious side effects including: pale and yellowing skin, fever, nausea, chills, flu-like symptoms, sever skin irritation, difficulty breathing or swallowing, severe nausea, stomach pain, irregular urination, and easy bleeding or bruising. In addition, users may experience severe allergic reaction to the medication identified by severe swelling of the face or throat. If any of these severe side effects occur, notify a doctor immediately.
Using Melphalan
Melphalan is intended to be taken exactly as prescribed to you by your doctor. There is no scenario in which an individual should alter the dose or duration of the medication without consulting a doctor. The oral tablet of Melphalan should be taken with a large glass (8 oz.) of water. In the case of a Melphalan injection, the medication will be administered by a doctor or nurse. A typical schedule of use finds the patient taking Melphalan for a few weeks and then stopping use for four weeks. Blood tests are administered during the off weeks to see how the body is responding to the treatment. Be sure to store Melphalan at room temperature and away from heat and moisture.
Avoid people with the common cold or flu-like symptoms, as users of Melphalan are more easily susceptible to illness. According to, if you accidentally spill Melphalan on the skin, be sure to wash clean immediately with soap and water. Also clean any other area in the case of a spill. If pregnant, do not breast-feed, as the medication can be transferred through the milk.