Side Effects for Levoxyl
What is Levoxyl?
Levoxyl is a prescription drug useful to individuals suffering from low levels of thyroid hormone and an enlarged thyroid gland. It can treat or prevent goiter caused by imbalanced hormones. It is also often used in combination with other treatments to manage cases of thyroid cancer. Although the thyroid monitors metabolism in the body, Levoxyl is not an appropriate treatment for obesity.
Serious Side Effects
According to, Levoxyl has not been known to cause common side effects, with many individuals reporting the occurrence of no or minor side effects. Levoxyl, however, may cause the following serious side effects: chest pain, diarrhea, appetite and menstrual changes, fever, irregular heartbeat, mood changes, joint pain, severe headache, seizures, fatigue, stomach cramps, insomnia, tremors, vomiting and unusual weight gain. In the event of any of these serious side effects, seek immediate medical attention.
Rare Side Effect
Although less serious than other side effects, mild loss of hair has occurred as a result of taking Levoxyl. This rare side effect has generally occurred within the first few months of taking Levoxyl. In most cases this loss is only temporary. In the case of continued or severe hair loss, contact your doctor immediately.
Using Levoxyl
Levoxyl should always be used exactly as prescribed to you by your doctor. Never deviate from the prescription by adjusting the dose or duration of this medication. Levoxyl is typically taken on an empty stomach a half hour before breakfast. Swallow the tablet with a large glass (8 oz.) of water. The medication generally works more effectively if taken at the same time each day. Even after several weeks of use, the medication may not be fully addressing symptoms. Do not discontinue, however, without first contacting your doctor.
Do not use Levoxyl if you have suffered a recent heart attack. Never take two doses of Levoxyl to compensate for a missed dose. Use of Levoxyl in the elderly should be carefully monitored as they may be more susceptible to heart complications.